Six minutes to save the world.
Aston, the classical cover guys, had a poll up on their site where visitors could vote for their next cover. Bulletproof by La Roux won by thirty votes. Damn you! I wanted Alejandro!
Still, you can see that they have evolved, visually. They had a more interesting set this time [I'll be bulletproof]. However I feel like they failed musically. It's all a bit too boring and the cover doesn't truly match the song. For I while I felt like I could sing Paparazzi, it even fit. In the second half, or should I say last minute things picked up and I loved it. The it moment is when the blonde violinist kicked in. Epic.
I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry for that. I've been on a short holiday as you might know and when I got back I just didn't feel like blogging.
The above image was printed on a custom envelope for my cousin's birthday. Her birthday was on the 29th. You can count the lights yourself if you want to find out her real age, but she'll always be young spirited, she works with children after all.
My mom, my sister and I went over to drink ice cold soda, Yin-Yang ice cream and to mess with her cat as it's eating pizza. Fun!
Speaking of messing stuff up, I had to wake up at 8:30 today to fix the email settings from someone's phone I played with yesterday. Yey!
This definitely needs an awesome sped up mix. Something electronic over the chorus would be sweet. DJ Fembot made a decent attempt. But what it gets, for now, is a video.
Lyrics are great though limited. Christina's voice on And we had magic / And this is tragic is amazing.
What do you think about Aguilera's look? Better or worse?
No time to waste.
One epic video to show.
Two internet friends met.
Three nights away.
Four days of sunlight.
Five different beds.
Six pools to swim in.
Seven chicks to dance with.
Eight-teen years old.
Nine-ty degrees.
Ten seconds of silence.
I'm getting the hell out of this town! Get out of my way! I'm taking a week off. If you behave or some hot new music pops up I'll post from my iPhone, otherwise sayonara!
Kylie Minogue picked her future single and started playing it in concerts but it doesn't really sound great live so I'll just give you the studio version. It's strange how she switched so fast from worshiping the supposed boy friend to pushing him out of her, supposed life.
Get outta my way
Got no more to say
Dynamite is Taio Cruz' current single, and it has a summery video. Hot girls, workshop, kinda like Rihanna's Shut up and drive!
Sounds like Break your heart, right?
As if one eight minutes video is not enough, Ne-Yo released two last night. One for Beautiful Monster and one for Champagne Life. Trouble is they seemed to have focused more on the first one.
The whole story begins with Beautiful Monster. The story is great, editing is good, it truly got my full attention. I like the song so it's all good:
But then it continues with Champagne Life. The story goes a bit back in time to explain some things but then it hops one year into the future so it stays relevant to the song. Not sure how they could've fixed it. Maybe by avoiding it all together, since the song is crappy? Eh? The end credits do say To be continued so Ne-Yo has a chance to redeem himself and give us a decent ending on a great song. Will he live up the expectations? Only time will tell.
The songs are from his fourth album, Libra Scale, set to be released in September. From the song list my guess for a/the future single is What Have I Done, referring to "creating a beautiful monster" by falling in love.
You might already know that James Cameron [the Avatar and Titanic guy] is directing The Black Eyed Peas Will.I.Am said "There will be a storyline that [Cameron] came up with, which will be dope. It's a full-length film and it's based around our tour activities. We've toured from America and Europe, to the Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa. It's not like we go, 'Yo, we are international, you know what I'm saying? London and Paris!' Nah, that's just two cities. We want to go across the planet."
Should be interesting, even though I wouldn't go to the cinema to see it. Until then, Universal Music France gives us a live, high quality performance of Missing you.
Usher finally stopped screaming OMG, well not really. He's not crying for his baby. Not like Bieber, but alike, There goes my baby.
The song sounds very familiar, some people say it samples Al B, other see a little bit of Michael Jackson. Either way it's catchy, slow but definitely has a pleasant sound to it.
Video is...meh, nothing special to it, unless you're really into naked Usher, which fyi, is so last decade but whatever floats your boats.
What if the only way to save the one you love was to never meet them?
Interesting concept, well executed, or not.
Jason Derulo has come a long way from Whatcha say. He got from sampling awesome songs to a more philosophical era.
There are some flaws within the video but they aren't obvious enough to ruin it, or are they? [The car breaking, frozen girl dropping box early, watch winding back a whole lot plus the funny 'getting the dog out for a walk with my ugly Panamera'].
Singing's good but I know he can't do it live so the lyrics are all that's left and I'm not sure pulling a Gaga 'Tutututtudotudotudo' is good enough. The concept is still awesome so...yeah...
I promised you it so here's my Vampires Suck movie review. *Spoiler alert!*
The movie is supposedly only for those who could not sit throughout the original ones, and by them, but I don't think that's true. I enjoyed the originals and found this parody hilarious!
The storyline follows both Twilight and New Moon, combined. Omits some parts of course but it's sticking to the original story. What makes it hilarious? The references, exaggerations and acting. It is not your everyday parody, you need your brain to get the jokes, which range from subtle as "No Service" iPhone [At&t joke] trough The Black Eyed Peas joke and up to Jacob's contract. You need to watch tv shows to get some of the jokes such as TrueBlood [HBO tv show/drink], Glee [Where the main girl there gets egged as well], Gossip Girl's narration [laughed so hard!], The Jersey Shore cast is there and so are The Kardashians references . But most jokes are about the original movies so you should be fine with only that.
Cast: Excellent! They resemble the original cast and aren't exactly no names, seen most of them before.
Special effects: Well done but exaggerated, obviously!
Music: Nothing special, except It's raining men! LOL Music is almost always present but it's quite subtle, special, and cliche, sounds however are all over the place.
Verdict: Worth watching! If only for the fans gone wild and Gaga's five seconds appearance!
Rumor has it that there's a leaked version somewhere on the interwebz. I will find it, watch it and come back with a review tomorrow!

Also one of the hosts called Teeth a single, which it isn't, not yet!
Cancel all your appointments for tomorrow cause we are going to see Despicable Me! If you're lucky that is! Sadly I have to wait another month [WHAT!?] but you might be lucky, check out the release date by clicking here.
Here's the latest trailer:
And here's the fluffiest trailer:
Can't say much about this song other than the fact that it's by DJ Mozzie, whoever he is. The mash up is between Gaga's Love Game and Ce Ce Peniston's Finally, the '08 remake.
It takes the vocals from Gaga and adds some awesome beats from Finally, an awesome song on it's own. Gaga also has her official mash-up between Finally and Dance in the dark, it's the intro to her Monster Ball tour.
I was searching for Gaga's version when I stumbled upon it. It's almost a year old yet it barely managed to get a bit over two thousand views. It's sad if you ask me because I really like it.
Let's give it another chance, shall we?
It's a bit obvious that everything Ke$ha sing-talks becomes instant platinum so I'm doing you a favor, I'm telling you about her new-future-whatever single, Take it off. She's shooting the video for it these days.
Who's that? Is it possible for THAT clean body to be Ke$ha? Oh my, the miracles a shower can do! With the help of a hair straightener she became a classy bitch. There's even a fur coat involved! Just wait for the video, it will make you change your opinion about her. Unless you're a huge Britney fan and Ke$ha's Styrofoam song insulted you deeply, of course.
The third song from her Animal album kinda combines everything about her music. There's glitter in the lyrics and in the desert from the video but not on her, miracle, the name of the album is inserted into the lyrics, plus the songs debuts with a robot voice saying:
There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.
It's your typical Ke$ha song, but what more could you expect from a drunk? It's totally catchy so that's a plus, it will be superglued to your brain in no time! Let's begin!
If you've read my blog before you know that OneRepublic is my favorite band, Goodbye Apathy is one of my favorite songs from Dreaming out loud and I'll tell you why if you keep reading.
First of all, I have to tell you how I first "met" the song. It was the winter of '07 and I had just received an mp3 player for my birthday. Earlier that year Apologize has been released and OneRepublic was the thing so I decided to put my new toy to the test and download their album. God bless the interwebz and USB ports.
Everything was fine during the first play, album sounded good, I was loving the ten Apologize remixes that I got separately, but there was a problem. I didn't know what apathy meant. Since it was one of my night sessions the computer was off, everyone was sleeping and an iPhone was only a dream. It kept me awake for a while as I wanted to find out what it meant. By the other words I figured it must be some kind of emotion. Little did I know it was actually the absence of such thing.
Back to the song, it was stuck in my head after so many plays but I didn't mind it, I actually liked it. Lyrics such as I can't sleep now, no, not like I used to / I can't breathe in and out like I need to indicated a change. I kill myself to make everything perfect for ya suggested love. Dedication to make the loved one happy.
The alternative rock song has a good vibe to it, describing the birth of love and how it can change people. But don't trust me, listen for yourself! And while enjoying the song please tell me your thoughts on the artwork I've created [much like all of the fan art you can see on the site].
If this is your first time reading my blog you should consider either adding me on Facebook or following me on Twitter. I've set up TwitterFeed to update my statuses whenever I post new content, aka daily.
Lady Gaga thanks all of the little monsters on Facebook who helped her become the first living person with over 10 million people to "Like" her! The only person with more "likers" is Michael Jackson, he has over 14 million.
She also now holds the record for “Most weeks on the UK album chart” in the upcoming 2011 Guinness Book of World Records, out on the 15th of September 2010. For how many weeks you ask? 154!!!
I've told you before my thought on the song. Click here to read that particular post.
It's video time now. Oh boy. Five words: I do not like it.
More: It's all fake and too silly. No bruises appear. The stunt double use is clear. The video - song relationship is not strong, the song is about misery (duuh) and video about pain. Pain does not mean misery, some people enjoy it but let's not go that path. And pain is not the only one to bring misery. Whatever, see for yourself:
The only song from Eminem's Recovery album that I actually like is Love the way you lie and it features Rihanna.
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts