This is the first post from my new laptop. I thought I should mention that. Now nothing can stop me from blogging, I've even been thinking of starting to truly tumblr, not only stalk other people. I would've wanted the first post to be something Gaga related but there's no new material from her and I'm afraid you'll slay me if I post some random remix. I still love her, don't worry, not posting about her does not mean I got over the whole Little Monster thing.
Back to the real subject, Pink's Raise your glass song is quite great. It's somewhere in top ten on the Billboard chart but who cares. Last night she performed it on the AMAs and it was quite fun, she put on quite a show for the audience. Right after seeing that I YouTube'd her only to realize in shame that she also has a video for the single. Been released at the beginning of this month. And my God, is it awesome.
It's fun, interesting, awkward, quirky and cool, all at the same time. It's also a typical Pink video, has a lot of funny scenes, all related to the lyrics.
She recently announced that she is pregnant so I guess that means double the reason to raise your glass for her. So raise your glass is you are wrong for all the right reasons and hit that play button.
OMG! my new laptop?! change old?
nice video!
Changed the HP Envy to a Sony Vaio.
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