Lady Gaga's video for Born This Way, the first version, was released yesterday. If you haven't seen it yet then congratulations on getting yourself a shiny rock to hide under. I say first version because there will be another video for an acapella version of the song. All of Gaga's proceeds from this second video will go towards a charity, I'm guessing something LGBT related. If you can't wait and must have a Gaga branded item but also want to donate to charity buy her Viva Glam lipstick from MAC.
Back to the video, it seems that people don't really get it, at least none of my classmates did. While I was glowing with joy they were confused. I thought I should write a blog post (since it's been a while) explaining my take on the video and what I understood from it.
In the first ten second of the video there's a pink upside down triangle. That was a Nazi sign they applied on homosexuals in concentration camps. It symbolizes the present.
After that the story begins, and since it's harder to follow a story that you hear, here's a transcript of the 'plot'.
This is the manifesto of Mother Monster: On G.O.A.T, a Government Owned Alien Territory in space, a birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place. But the birth was not finite. It was infinite. As the wombs numbered and the mitosis of the future began, it was perceived that this infamous moment in life is not temporal, it is eternal. And thus began the beginning of the new race, a race within the race of humanity, a race which bares no prejudice, no judgment but boundless freedom. But on that same day, as the eternal mother hovered in the mulitverse, another more terrifying birth took place, the birth of evil. And as she herself split into two. Rotating in agony between two ultimate forces, the pendulum of choice began its dance. It seems easy you imagine to gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards good. But she wondered, “How can I protect something so perfect without evil?Now let me explain. The next few scenes depict the birth of the new race with the before mentioned characteristics. It's actually referring to little monsters, Gaga's loyal fans, who are usually so open minded they bear no prejudice, no judgment and have boundless freedom. You can see the birth itself as well as the hatching place (the heads).
Problem is that with the birth of the new race a new form of evil was born as well. This is most likely referring to religious fanatics and other soulless bodies that only bear hatred in their empty hearts. Evil is trying to harm the pure ones. The final question is how can she protect her little monster without evil, without hating and harming others just like they are harming her children.
At the two minute mark her fully grown children, the new race makes its appearance. Speaking of which, the 'horns' are the distinctive mark of the new race, and they are gorgeous I think. This is when the song starts. It doesn't matter if love him or capital Him, him is a person while Him is God. The birth of the new race took place out of God's will and hence God makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track, I'm beautiful in my way.
The lyrics are empowering on the same lane as the video and its plot. The third eye on her chin helps make another upside down triangle.
You might not understand why there is so much dance and joy in the video and I'll tell you that you're down right stupid if so. Can't you hear that you must accept yourself, love yourself and rejoice!? It is the dance of happiness, unity and love (hence it ends with a huge group hug as the new race has a tight bound in itself).
Another issue might be with the Don't be a drag, just be a queen verse. I must say that it has nothing to do with drag queens, it is not against them. It must rather be interpreted as an advice to keep your dignity and chip up high and not stop others who know what they are doing.
Then there's the whole Rico, the human zombie boy, scene. His tattoos are real while Gaga's aren't. I'm still not sure as to how to interpret it but I think it has something to do with versatility, hence the formal outfit which is in contract with the rebellious nature of ink on skin. Gaga has admitted that Willow Smith inspired her to whip her hair back and forth.
The birthing scene is back as the mitosis is infinite. My favorite moment is at the 5:34 mark when evil makes a strong comeback after another scene from its birth. Synchronized hand movement depicts the fact that the new race acts as one and supports each other, motif strengthened by the group hug.
The video ends on a high note as Gaga pays tribute to the King and Queen of Pop, Michael Jackson and Madonna. In the end the triangle is the right side up, symbolizing the fact that there is no wrong, creating a visual for the entire record while establishing a contrast with the beginning of the video.
The final frames of the music video depict Gaga popping a bubble gum balloon, only to get a message across, a passage from her Anderson Cooper interview on 60 minutes: People take me both too seriously and not seriously enough. I hope someone still remembers my seriously phase. In the same interview she declared the following: I just don't care what people think of me to be perfectly blunt.
What's your take on the video? I think it's an either love it or hate it thing.
PS: Happy Birthday Lela!
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