Let's do things differently this time, first watch the video then read my take on it, I don't want to influence you (too much, ha!). Comprehensive analysis of the video after the break.

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, lust and sexuality. Kylie takes the position of Aphrodite, which is also the name of the album the single is extracted from. Starting to get it?

All the lovers is a hypnotizing song, sang by Kylie in the position of a love goddess, hence the human pyramid. The size of the pyramid increases as the song goes on.

Can't you see that this is getting higher, higher, higher, higher?
And I'll take you there, I'll take you higher, higher, higher higher!

The presence of a diversity of human races in the video show that the spell is universal.

White is the symbol of purity. Everyone is wearing white underwear, their normal clothes being either very dark or plain black.

Kylie is wearing both white and black, the greatest visual contrast that can be obtained, perhaps symbolizing the discrepancy between humans and gods.

The white dove symbolizes peace, harmony and faith (religious connotation). It is set free at the end of the video, perhaps meaning that the believers are free.

Behind the running white horse hide light, sun, day, vitality, illumination, resurrection, as it is the messenger of birth. The strength of the horse probably being the strength of the spell.

The white elephant purifies and harmonizes the bond. And since it does not exist (not white enough) it was recreated a balloon, flying high in the sky while taking the role of a messenger.

Did you get it? Did the elephant bring you the message?


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My name is Markus but online I usually go undercover as Ray.

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