It's a bit obvious that everything Ke$ha sing-talks becomes instant platinum so I'm doing you a favor, I'm telling you about her new-future-whatever single, Take it off. She's shooting the video for it these days.

Who's that? Is it possible for THAT clean body to be Ke$ha? Oh my, the miracles a shower can do! With the help of a hair straightener she became a classy bitch. There's even a fur coat involved! Just wait for the video, it will make you change your opinion about her. Unless you're a huge Britney fan and Ke$ha's Styrofoam song insulted you deeply, of course.

The third song from her Animal album kinda combines everything about her music. There's glitter in the lyrics and in the desert from the video but not on her, miracle, the name of the album is inserted into the lyrics, plus the songs debuts with a robot voice saying:

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

It's your typical Ke$ha song, but what more could you expect from a drunk? It's totally catchy so that's a plus, it will be superglued to your brain in no time! Let's begin!


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My name is Markus but online I usually go undercover as Ray.

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